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The 2006 Hell Divers Rodeo This is the place to talk about the upcoming tournament, and post post tournament results and photos!

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Old 06-16-2005, 05:00 PM   #16
Mmm... taste like chicken
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Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

Originally Posted by Screen Name
Dang! Them boys get big everything up there!

As I was reading about the rigs in the Florida Gulf controversy today it came to mind that Rigs might not work as good here as they do there. Arent those rigs often in 600' of water and in the Gulfstream? Here I think that you would have to get about 200 miles offshore to get into similar conditions. With that in mind, in shallow water like we have here, would a rig be an advantage over a wreck in some way? I can see where a wreck in 600' might not do much good.
Rigs work in all depths. Most of the stories you hear about the rigs is out of Venice, Grand Isle, Fourchon area. The water drops in those areas faster than Hectors clothing in a gay bar. The area of the gulf I dive in is more like the Tampa area. We leave out of Cameron, LA (next to the Texas border) and have to travel 40 miles and only be in 50 ft or water. Have to hit 70 miles to reach 100' depths. The rigs are still plentiful all over the horizon and all are covered with fish. Trick is though, that you normally cant see your hand in front of your face until you hit about 30 miles and its iffy even then. So given all the stories Ive heard you boys gettin gags and hogs and whatnot in shallower depths than the Marianas Trench, rigs in the shallower, more tropical waters you have over that way will no doubt be big fish producers.

You just have to build though. Likely a fat chance of that happening. But you can speculate the what ifs. But if it would, at the least it would be a cone magnet if nothing else and leave the wrecks and ridges for the rest of you boys with less pressure.
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Old 06-16-2005, 05:17 PM   #17
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Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

Here is a 13-7 and a 10-2 shot last year. The big boy is #2 in the State. Louisiana that is.
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Name:	2 Top Ten Triggers.jpg
Views:	2303
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ID:	18293  
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Old 06-16-2005, 08:41 PM   #18
Screen Name
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Thumbs up Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

Originally Posted by KJNDIVER
Rigs work in all depths. Most of the stories you hear about the rigs is out of Venice, Grand Isle, Fourchon area. The water drops in those areas faster than Hectors clothing in a gay bar. The area of the gulf I dive in is more like the Tampa area. We leave out of Cameron, LA (next to the Texas border) and have to travel 40 miles and only be in 50 ft or water. Have to hit 70 miles to reach 100' depths. The rigs are still plentiful all over the horizon and all are covered with fish. Trick is though, that you normally cant see your hand in front of your face until you hit about 30 miles and its iffy even then. So given all the stories Ive heard you boys gettin gags and hogs and whatnot in shallower depths than the Marianas Trench, rigs in the shallower, more tropical waters you have over that way will no doubt be big fish producers.

You just have to build though. Likely a fat chance of that happening. But you can speculate the what ifs. But if it would, at the least it would be a cone magnet if nothing else and leave the wrecks and ridges for the rest of you boys with less pressure.
Real good feedback rigdvr and KJNDIVER.

I want Rigs!
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Old 04-29-2008, 08:11 PM   #19
Allen Hendrick
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Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

I just got my wife hooked on triggerfish sushi. 1st time I ever ate some of my own fish as sushi raw. Trigger was good but really not much taste. My wife asked for more the
2nd night.
Allen Hendrick
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Old 10-07-2008, 03:14 PM   #20
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Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

Originally Posted by Quetzal View Post
I just got my wife hooked on triggerfish sushi. 1st time I ever ate some of my own fish as sushi raw. Trigger was good but really not much taste. My wife asked for more the
2nd night.
Trigger makes great sevichi
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Old 10-07-2008, 03:24 PM   #21
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Re: Any pics of the huge triggerfish?

Holy Shit!!!!!!!!
Best Regards,
Justin Butts
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