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hutloc hutloc is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Postmortem
    12-28-2011 01:03 AM
    hey jamie, thanks for hookin us up today I really appreciate it, we had a blast! Hope to dive with you soon!
  2. JosephJ
    12-18-2010 04:04 PM
    hey what do you think about that beached sail boat at dume what a trip. it was like walking down the beach in a movie set
  3. dennishaussler
    09-11-2009 07:49 PM
    the story is, they are the best fins I have ever used.
    hands down.
    email me at dennis@20fathoms.com, and I can fill you in, or call me at 650 400 2631
  4. mokaction
    04-24-2009 12:01 PM

    Cool. Ya, we need to get him out of the funk.. I am so glad you where able to get a couple of guns off of him.. I will txt you if I can get his ass out, you can meet us out at the islands..

  5. divingdesigns-2
    02-24-2009 10:48 PM
    Yes, sorry about that. My husband informed me of my mistake but it was too late and the message had been sent. I'm glad you're not mad. Anyhow, maybe we can all dive together sometime in the future. Cheers, Nikki
  6. hutloc
    02-24-2009 01:50 PM
    ha ...im a dude! sorry my avitar is of a friend! but i do have some female divers that are local if you are interested in contacting them? good luck with the freediving too...and i have a girlfriend already(happily) so dont feel uncomfortable asking about diving together one day? peace, jamie
  7. divingdesigns-2
    02-24-2009 01:27 PM
    Hello Hutloc,
    I just joined Spearboard and looking to make some friends that are female in this male dominated sport.
    Cheers, Nikki


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  • Last Activity: 04-29-2013 03:16 PM
  • Join Date: 02-14-2008


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