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Spearboard Announcements and Rules Check here for annoucements on things that would interest spearfishermen, including seminars or other events

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Old 10-10-2003, 07:35 AM   #1
Steel Shootin'
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Join Date: Sep 2002
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Exclamation Warning and Disclaimer - READ THIS!

Diving, and above all, Spearfishing, is a dangerous activity. Without the proper training and experience, it becomes even more dangerous and potentially deadly.

The content on Spearboard can in no way replace either training or experience. Spearboard does allow communication and discussion. Much of this communication is good information from people highly experienced. However, there is no way Spearboard can evaluate every post and decide what is good information, and what is bad information. Every member/visitor must do this for himself or herself.

Given that we have spearfishermen participating from all different skill and experience levels, you may very well read content that addresses issues beyond your training and experience. You should NEVER attempt to implement advanced skills or activities that exceed your training and experience. Spearboard does not replace the necessity of proper instruction and experience.

You may also encounter threads where one or more person is attempting to fill a boat for either a commercial charter or recreational trip. Spearboard has no affilitiation with any recreational or charter trips, does not endorse any charter business or otherwise, and has no control over the quality of said trips. Furthermore, Spearboard receives no compensation from any of these entities.

I sincerely hope you pick up tips that you find useful and enlightening. However, that which is useful and that which is not useful or dangerous is a decision you will have to make. Spearboard does not endorse or promote the opinions contained herein, nor is it responsible for said opinions.

If you are a minor or young adult and think that you are invincible and it will not happen to you, THINK AGAIN! There is no way for me to mechanically keep minors off the board, but please get the message that pushing beyond your training and experience can kill you, regardless of how bullet proof you may feel. Learn this now, while you are young: No fish is worth it. I ask that you get your parents permission to participate on this forum, and by participating, you agree to do so.

By participating as either a registered member or visitor, everyone agrees to this understanding and releases Spearboard from all liability stemming from the content of this spearfishing forum.
Steel Shootin' is offline  
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