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Conversation Between mrfish87 and scubadown16
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. scubadown16
    05-22-2009 08:13 PM
    No I am not a rep I am a sponsored Dive for Pelaj. I can give the reps name and phone number to you if you wish. How ever here is Pelaj is stand point this year with regaurds to Event sponsorships. If they decide to sponsor something it usually will be a 50% off gift certificate to be redeamed through a Pelaj dealer.
    If there is anything else I can help you with please let me know.
    James Hardesty
    Team Pelaj
  2. mrfish87
    05-22-2009 06:04 PM
    Are you a Pelag rep. I was trying to get a gun for the Hell Divers Rodeo. We have a bunch of new guns up for prizes and we are trying to get as many new manufacturers on our prize table and website.

    Robbie Schmidt
    Hell Divers President

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