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Conversation Between kitespearo and biminiboy27
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. kitespearo
    12-07-2011 09:34 PM
    Hey bud...it was pretty simple...I use an old style block...I chipped some of the wood away enough to recess in the mount. Then I only use wet suit glue to stick it in place and pressed it overnight...It is rock solid. if you ever want pics and you are able to get text send me your number and I will text you some.
  2. biminiboy27
    12-07-2011 10:01 AM
    How did you mount your GoPro to your hawaiian sling? I am trying to do it but don’t know the parts I need to get in order to do so. Thnaks

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