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Conversation Between slingshaft and cancunspearo
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 38
  1. cancunspearo
    03-31-2010 02:38 PM
    hey man im having trouble with my internet conection thid sh## disconnects
  2. cancunspearo
    03-29-2010 01:48 PM
    kerry are you there?
  3. slingshaft
    03-29-2010 01:01 PM
  4. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:40 PM
  5. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:39 PM
    Hey I have to go. what time of the day do you usually get on line? I'm a singing instructor/ recording engineer, so I'm on the computer all day. go to You Tube, Kristine Kraft. (my daughter) and Jennifer Espinosa. my money makers! Bye
  6. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:33 PM
    Hey Man I hear you! I'm trying to set my finances so that I have some cash flow, since I don't want to come back to the same boring life that I have here. so It will be some time early in 2010.
  7. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:29 PM
    Yeah, Scuba Pro just quit making spearguns, the company wanted to concentrate only on recreation diving, 'mo money' !!
  8. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:25 PM
    Cool, we will meet!! I'm in San Antonio,Tx. I've had these guns for a long time,I bought both at Pawn Shops, for very little money, Ive never shot these guns. Sad! So please kill fish!
  9. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:19 PM
    The gun line was picked up by a company called "Bandito Spearguns" the panther is an unknown, and under rated gun line, it is a railgun, the synthetic material makes the gun exceptionly quiet. the muzzel accepts shark fin shafts as well as slides.
  10. slingshaft
    12-24-2009 12:13 PM
    I'm following your activity that is exactly the model I'm giving to you

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