Conversation Between slingshaft and cancunspearo
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 38
hey man im having trouble with my internet conection thid sh## disconnects
Hey I have to go. what time of the day do you usually get on line? I'm a singing instructor/ recording engineer, so I'm on the computer all day. go to You Tube, Kristine Kraft. (my daughter) and Jennifer Espinosa. my money makers! Bye
Hey Man I hear you! I'm trying to set my finances so that I have some cash flow, since I don't want to come back to the same boring life that I have here. so It will be some time early in 2010.
Yeah, Scuba Pro just quit making spearguns, the company wanted to concentrate only on recreation diving, 'mo money' !!
Cool, we will meet!! I'm in San Antonio,Tx. I've had these guns for a long time,I bought both at Pawn Shops, for very little money, Ive never shot these guns. Sad! So please kill fish!
The gun line was picked up by a company called "Bandito Spearguns" the panther is an unknown, and under rated gun line, it is a railgun, the synthetic material makes the gun exceptionly quiet. the muzzel accepts shark fin shafts as well as slides.
I'm following your activity that is exactly the model I'm giving to you