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Conversation Between knetter420 and greekspearo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. knetter420
    04-01-2009 08:37 AM
    count me in for the isle of shoals trip been there many times with my dad back in the day. What do you have for used stuff? I am looking for fins/weight belt/mask think i might have gotten a gun already, but just in case.
  2. greekspearo
    03-27-2009 09:06 PM
    yah a few times, its cold cold cold, about 39 degrees. i have some extra gear if u dont mund used stuff. just lemme know. a bunch of us are going to the isle of shoals to spear some cod and flounder on may 28, 29 and 30. your more than welcome to come.
  3. knetter420
    03-27-2009 01:26 PM
    I that would be great if i could join you. I have to order some new gear, i just got back from costa rica (where my parents live) and i left most of my gear down there well i lost a weight belt, mask and knife in a kayak adventure but I left my speargun, and fins there. So i am going to have to order a new gun/fins/knife/weightbelt soon. Have you been in the water this spring?
  4. greekspearo
    03-27-2009 10:51 AM
    in the summer i go about 1 or 2 times a week. sometimes more. i also do ri 1nc a week. if you want to get in the water just pm me. more than welcome to come with me.
  5. knetter420
    03-27-2009 03:48 AM
    How often do you fish the Nh coast? Have you been in the water, what'd you see?

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