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Conversation Between Twisted Trader and "Yard-Sale Josh"
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. "Yard-Sale Josh"
    01-19-2014 07:45 PM
    "Yard-Sale Josh"
    Pm me your phone number
  2. Twisted Trader
    01-19-2014 07:00 PM
    Twisted Trader
    No problem us picking up your shaft in BOLA Just lat me know who has it, and how to get to his location. Stay in touch.
  3. Twisted Trader
    01-19-2014 06:48 PM
    Twisted Trader
    So Sorry Dude. I live in Fresno. Will not be hitting LA and points south until Feb 15. Hot fish locations would be appreciated. My Buddy has been there and out to the islands b-4. Let me know if there is any other way that I can help you out.

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