Conversation Between deejayjewlz and Marco
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
09-07-2019 09:24 AM
Hey! I just saw this message...
Sorry about my late response. I live in North Miami and don't have a boat. But will keep you in mind whenever I go out again with my friends. You can call me and let me know your name (is not shown in your message).
Marco Melis
Hey Marco,
I saw that you're a speero in the Miami Beach area! I just moved down here to south beach and am looking for some spear buddies to go out with. I am usually free on the weekends. I'd love to go out and would appreciate anyone showing me around the spear world down here in florida. Beers on me! Shoot me a text if you ever wanna head out. My number is 3052404362