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Conversation Between Bigski and Kill.Fish
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Bigski
    03-28-2013 07:12 PM
    Thank you, i will be sure to have a talk with them
  2. Kill.Fish
    03-17-2013 02:36 PM
    Sarasota ... Eric tobin is the manager there cool people
  3. Bigski
    03-08-2013 09:27 PM
    thanks for the post, what scuba quest are you talking about? there is the one in venice, sarasota and bradenton store?
  4. Kill.Fish
    02-27-2013 06:39 PM
    i seen your looking for instructors for cave cert ... i hangout at scuba quest alot and there are some really good cave divers like local legend Allen Barefoot ,Bruce ,Dr Death that frequent there they all have been past 300ft and have dove all the caves and offshore springs in the area ... they would be able to help with finding a instructor
    hopes this helps

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