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Conversation Between jakelayton and toptuna
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. jakelayton
    09-07-2011 12:48 AM
    Hey brother, how was your dive in Polos verdes. Planning on going tomorrow and was curious about conditions.
  2. toptuna
    08-31-2011 01:04 PM
    Ya no sweat. Conditions are bad right now but hit me up when you are thinking of
    Coming down.
  3. jakelayton
    08-31-2011 12:11 PM
    Whats up brother, I am new to the sport and ran across you and some other guys talking about going out this week. Wouldn't mind meeting up with you guys if thats cool with you. Thats if you plan on going out. I went out yesterday and the conditions were nasty. I live in the Temecula area so I am far enough from la jolla and up north that the drive equally sucks so it doesn't matter.

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