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Conversation Between spear2 and carrasco
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. carrasco
    05-27-2023 08:39 AM
    Sorry for the late Reply. I just came back from Bahia, from my first time visiting. Went with 4 other friends and shot a few very nice fish.
    I won’t be doing a trip like that again until next year. Hope your trip comes through for June- its supposed to be loaded with fish by then!
  2. spear2
    01-26-2018 12:36 PM
    Howzit Carrasco, I don't know if you remember but I think I texted with you around 2-3yrs ago..... I live in Downey also, go down to Bahia De Los Angeles every summer. Anyways, was wondering if you have any XL size 5 wetsuits you want to get rid of for my buddy in Baja. Let me know.


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