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Conversation Between snackrifice and Kosumi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Kosumi
    05-22-2012 09:07 AM
    Ok, the Gil guns is yours. The other guy wants me to hold it for almost 2 weeks!! Please provide adress so I can get a shipping cost. I shipped a blue water gun 2 months ago to east coast and it was 67.00. You can deposit money (gun & ship) into my wife's PayPal:
    Let me know as I have 2 other guys below you that want the gun. Cheers!
  2. Kosumi
    05-21-2012 08:10 PM
    I have the gun, But i have one other guy that said he wanted it. I sent him the info for paypal and he hasn't deposited money yet. I will contact him tomorrow. If he doesnt respond..your next

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