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Conversation Between snackrifice and MLandau27
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. MLandau27
    03-13-2013 01:20 PM

    I know we spoke last year and am interested in joining the tristate skin divers this year. I spent the last year getting comfortable in the water and feeling out the sport. I have really come to love it especially after spending a few weeks down in Florida putting a lot of fish in the boat. I really want to get hooked up with you guys so I can begin to dive with experienced divers like you guys so that I can improve and learn. I visited you website. How do I go about joining?
  2. MLandau27
    08-06-2012 07:49 PM
    Hello my name is Mike Landau and I am
    New to the sport. I have been around water my whole life and got turned on to spearfishing from a buddy down in the keys. I didn't realize people speared up here. I live in CT and am interested in your group as I have been told you have lots of divers with a lot of experience. Do you guys/gals ever dive in CT? I recently bought my basic gear and am ready to go. Something came up last weekend but I was planning on going to the tournament to meet everyone. Buzz kill I couldn't make it. Any info on your club or people I should get in contact with would be great. I have a mako predator coming in the mail on Thursday I can't wait to get it wet!

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