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Conversation Between JGrant and WESTBURY
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. JGrant
    11-18-2020 02:42 PM
    Whats up Joe!
    Had a crazy summer...was surfing Malibu with me son in Sept and felt like i couldn't catch me breath. I thought I had covid because the neighborhood I was working in was full of it.
    Went to Ucla SM and had 99% occlusion in my RCA...It was gnarly Joe!!!
    Anyway Im good, have been diving and surfing since, but I think Im gonna be retiring sooner than later lol
    Ive lost your cell# with my old phone, lets talk soon
    07-31-2013 01:18 AM
    I keep forgetting to call you and catch up!
    I'll try and call tomorrow.
    go over to the "new forum". spearing forum.com
    that's where everyone has gone.
  3. JGrant
    07-30-2013 09:25 PM
    joe, wassup???? I'm lurking too right now
    08-03-2010 09:43 AM
    Big John
    Epic! Started out at Cruz for one dive. Then got a VHF call from Werlin who was at Rosa. Basically, Whites everywhere. Him and Dereck Stavenger got limits the day before and they were looking for the "big ones".
    We unsuited and took off for Rosa. Took one hour to get there (Johnsons Lee). Green water, 15 vis. Decided to eat lunch before getting in and 10 minutes after anchoring, start seeing whites from the boat. I got 2 with 2 tear offs. Lots of fish, next day all gone. Back to Cruz, nothing.
    I'll ring you up today or tomorrow to talk about our trip.

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