Conversation Between seaspearo and Todd stagnaro
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Hi Todd:
Thanks for your information.
Will go to Brookings this Thursday for Matsutake. We need go diving or mushroom together sometimes. I have a boat, I will take you out next year for halibut!
Your thinking about crescent in Oregon off the 199 before grants pass
Yeah that's matsutake heaven, big time commercial area, 3 day permits are cheap and at ranger station. Stop by a buyers booth and they usually point you in the right direction.
3000ft is good, but to be honest just look for cars parked on forest roads and for sure they are hunting.
I've gone that way in the 90's but haven't been since, but no doubt now is the time to go before the snow closes it down.
Also medicine lake volcano has great uncrowded matsu territory but I'm a coastal type of guy so I stick to the coast scene. Check my previous post and videos of matsutake dune hunting.
Ive never heard of matsutake anywhere near crescent city and I've been hunting for many years up there. If you go east of crescent city you will find some on Indian land off the Go road in tan oak environment, same place I just went and there was not enough rain for them yet -but that's a lot of driving if you don't have a spot your wasting your time when you could be scoring on the coast.:::
Arcata has some in the dunes but they dont come out till mid nov and only one or two people know where they are at.
Your better off going to the Oregon dunes, you can pick 6 a day without a permit, you will need to cut the bottom inch off so you can't sell them.
Salt point has matsutake in the tan oak, so does kings range.
I will be hunting kings range nov 6-7 for chanterelles, white and gold and maybe with the early rain the matsutake will be up but it's usually mid to late nov for that spot.