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Conversation Between Sandbata and EastCoastKumu
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. EastCoastKumu
    05-11-2010 04:41 PM
    Hey sandbata, sorry to take so long getting back to you, his is the first time I have checked my visitor mesages. I also have the summer off so we should meet up. I live about 2 hours from newport but I am willing to make the drive. I might try to find a place to camp overnight and dive consecutive days. I am married with a baby so I cant dive every day but with some notice I can make arrangements. Talk to you later. Dustin
  2. Sandbata
    04-23-2010 08:24 PM
    Hey man i live in Newport and all my diving buddies moved away and also need a diver. I live right off Ruggles and go diving off ledge, cliffwalk and other newport places. Let me know whenever you want to dive. I have the summer off from work so i would love to dive everyday I just don't want to push it with out a partner in the water.

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