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Conversation Between Dberry78 and Jhento
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Jhento
    06-13-2011 08:05 AM
    i did well i guess. i missed a striper. waa waa but they were the first ones that i saw so that really got me pumped. on friday the visibility was super about 10 feet or so. saw buncha black fish couple sea bass too. but the striper was really neat. I dont know when i am going to get out there this week, let me know if you get in about the vis and vice versa
  2. Dberry78
    06-12-2011 12:19 PM
    Howd you make out. I didnt know it was illegal to have a speargun on the beach in some towns, we do it all from a boat. Not trying to get you in trouble. Anyway, if the waters still clear im gonna TRY to get out monday or tuesday, as long as I can borrow my buddys boat. If your out before then a vis report would be greatly appreciated, i know the winds shifted a few times since the last time i was out.

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