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Conversation Between fishmanjohn and catalina jay
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. catalina jay
    08-10-2011 06:31 PM
    catalina jay
    You wanna dive somewhere Friday? Probably monterey or somewhere sheltered.
  2. fishmanjohn
    07-27-2011 03:10 AM
    ok ill go with nick to that triton group dive good luck with the job
  3. catalina jay
    07-26-2011 09:35 PM
    catalina jay
    Won't be diving this weekend, heading to Catalina for a meeting/diving.
  4. fishmanjohn
    07-22-2011 02:58 PM
    there was alot of sea palms at carmel river with rock fish just above i bet lings would hide below and maybe the chance for a halibut in the sandy areas or we could try otter cove in pg i hear there are lings there ... oh and nick i can give you a ride if you need it
  5. fishmanjohn
    07-20-2011 08:27 PM
    sweet sunday is god for me where at?
  6. catalina jay
    07-20-2011 08:19 PM
    catalina jay
    how about a sunday dive? Conditions look the best then.

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