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Conversation Between Folsom_Diver and Diablo Loco
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Folsom_Diver
    12-05-2013 12:00 AM
    Hey Bryan, we met a few weeks ago in Monterey. I don't know a lot of Spearos and wanted some advice. I have a 42 biller and 24 biller that my boy and I are using. What do you think about upgrading to a 48inch Riffe Wood gun? I am finding my son is still more comfortable on the surface, and his 24 is not long enough to hit the fish. Is this too much of a gun on the link below and do you think it is a good deal? Guy is selling it for 200 in the members area. Says barely used....
  2. Diablo Loco
    11-12-2013 05:47 PM
    Diablo Loco
    call me at 559-288-7005

  3. Folsom_Diver
    11-12-2013 05:14 PM
    Hi Bryan, would you have a few minutes if I were to email you a few questions on Monterey area spearfishing and the Tritons. I am looking for some advice as I am just getting back into the sport (doing both scuba and free diving).


    email: quinn@tndlz.com

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