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Conversation Between LabMan and polarbear
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. LabMan
    09-01-2011 06:37 PM
    It's call Taxachusetts! Framingham is the city. I'm about 70 minutes from any water but it is easy freeway (aka turnpike) driving. Very little parking is the problem. Oh one more thing: MA makes Stripers off limits for spearos. So last Saturday before Irene shows I got schooled by about 50 Stripers.

  2. polarbear
    08-30-2011 10:41 PM
    Where are you. I heard you moved to the east coast. I went to mexico last weekend and shot a few yellows it was fun.

    Next time you are around let me know and we can kill a few???
  3. LabMan
    08-30-2011 07:48 PM
    No suit needed here now!
  4. polarbear
    03-19-2011 09:41 PM
    That would be great. I think I will use the curved lens to start. How do you like to flat lens. Does it to a better job???

    When are we going diving.

    My address is 37774 Oxford Drive, Murrieta, CA

    I am looking at the pease in May to either cortez banks or Santa rosa.

    If you can mail the lens that would be fabulous!!!!!

  5. LabMan
    03-18-2011 11:11 PM
    I replaced mine with a flat lens from Mako. If you want the original scratched lens I can send. If you replace then you'll need to get a jewelers phillips screwdriver. Easy to replace as long as you don't rush it. Also tighten opposing screws like installing a head gasket.

  6. polarbear
    03-10-2011 10:48 PM
    Would love too. Do you need a ride. I find out about HI 3/15/2011. They keep pushing the date. Hey, when are we going to dive together again. I thought we were friends. Dove with John 2 weekends ago CAT. Good time.
  7. LabMan
    03-10-2011 03:08 AM
    Come pick me up on the way to the Peace!!!
    Are you still on for Hawaii?

  8. polarbear
    11-11-2010 06:32 PM
    things have been good. Hoping to get out to Santa Cruz again. Probalby not until spring. Do you want me to through up a post when we go. Also mexico, ensenada was off the hook last fall. going back next spring. Are you interested??? wac wac wac I don't know where I went after the 9/9/10 - nothing overly exiting, lust local.
  9. LabMan
    11-09-2010 03:25 AM
    Where have I been that I am only reading your 9/9 post now? So how did it pan out
  10. polarbear
    09-26-2010 08:31 PM
    Went to mexico the last two weekends and it was wide open white sea bass, very nice. Going to try to make a Santa Cruz Island trip towards the end of the month. The rumor is there are wsb. Are you interested??? Maybe some lobster as well.


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