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Conversation Between LabMan and rambofishsniper
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 09:18 PM
    having trouble getting in my email... have fun out there.. u diving or just chilling when u go.. member let me know to help u with the move ok
  2. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 07:46 PM
    i was thinking we should hit new port or Narragansett maybe weatherill wat u think
  3. rambofishsniper
    08-30-2011 07:30 PM
    wats the plan for this weekend bro
  4. rambofishsniper
    08-18-2011 08:46 PM
    hell yea bro lets get it i got ur weight done
  5. LabMan
    08-17-2011 10:45 PM
    RI Open this Saturday! You up for it? Let's go. I know where there is a big mama striper. Call you tomorrow night.

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