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Conversation Between Aguato and Steve Fletcher
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Steve Fletcher
    05-09-2011 10:17 PM
    Steve Fletcher
    Hey Roman! The video is GREAT! Thanks for taking the time to do that!
  2. Aguato
    05-08-2011 11:30 PM

    Sorry for the delay. Editing an hour and a half worth of video down to the best parts was a pain. I'm still learning. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy.

    Video:Spearfishing with Steve
  3. Steve Fletcher
    04-26-2011 07:53 PM
    Steve Fletcher
    Hey Roman,
    good diving with you the other weekend. Have you had a chance to upload that video yet? I'm anxious to see it!
  4. Aguato
    04-17-2011 10:12 PM
    Hi Steve!

    Big thanks for letting me tag along out there. I've downloaded the video. Now I have to edit it down to a web friendly length.
    I'll post it when it's done.
    Thanks again

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