Conversation Between PartyBoy and ada5771
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Hey thanks for the message... I am familiar with a few clubs, but like you stated most of them are Scuba and located in New Orleans area I was just wondering if anyone from my area would be interested, it is hard to find a group of experienced divers to make a trip these days... unfortunately I am going to Miami to do some free diving the weekend of the LA state rodeo in July...I really wish I could make it but just bad timing....
If you're looking for some freedive buddies to dive with, you should check out one of the local clubs in the Louisiana Council of Underwater Dive Clubs. There's a bunch scattered in south LA, with the larger ones in the New Orleans Area (Hell Divers, Aqua Aces, Sea Tigers and about 5 more).
The majority of people in the clubs are scuba only, but they all have some free divers. There's a bunch of rodeos during the summer, and there is a "Louisiana State Freedive Championship Rodeo" the third weekend in July in Fourchon. Most of the main guys that compete will be at this rodeo. It'll be a good place to meet others, drink some beer and tell fish stories.
Let me know if you would like some info on any clubs, rodeos or anything else.