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Conversation Between CatDiver and sharpshooter
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. sharpshooter
    09-03-2019 08:07 AM
    What's your opinion of the new CMOR V3 MG chip? Thanks. I may have sent you this pm a couple of times this morning. If so. Sorry
  2. sharpshooter
    08-20-2019 05:57 AM
    how did you do in the SPO? Looked like 5'+ seas in the MG.
  3. sharpshooter
    06-03-2019 06:47 PM
    One of my friends was off of New Port Richey on gag opener day. Normally, within eye sight. They see 2-4 boats max. where they go. They honestly counted 33 boats. Just like the last few years. In 2 weeks, almost everything inshore that's legal size will be gone. Also, the water is warming up fast. Algae bloom. Then, maybe red tide. Not trying to sound gloomy. Just the facts. Again, thanks for the invite and really nice video of your MG trip.
  4. sharpshooter
    05-28-2019 03:08 PM
    Thanks for the invite. Would rather go to the MG than local. I have already committed for June 1. Weather looks great for going there. Post or send me a trip report. That NW area will have some neat stuff and under 100' depths. I'll someway be getting out there soon.
  5. sharpshooter
    01-24-2019 11:50 AM
    Keep me in mind for the MG this summer. Jose at 727-560-0808. Thanks

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