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matt mattison matt mattison is offline

Diving ! Gota love it !!!

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. Awabiman
    10-13-2014 09:24 PM
    I do smile still
  2. way way norcal
    05-08-2013 12:12 PM
    way way norcal
    i pulled a pretty good bunch of big abs this year. 3 10.5's, 10.8, 11, and an 11.2
    I gave one 11 to my buddy for a wedding gift kinda regret that now, it was a big bastard.
  3. Rich45
    09-05-2011 10:16 AM
    Hi Matt Spearboard numbers did the DFG reduce the bag limit to 12 Abalone next year starting 1-1-2012
  4. LabMan
    05-30-2011 12:59 AM
    Brian again. FWIW it was Officer Mead. AGAIN!!! I thought he got reassigned or "retired"
  5. matt mattison
    03-31-2011 05:27 PM
    matt mattison
    man my spelling and typnig sucks thank god when I do anything that counts I have spell checker !!!
  6. matt mattison
    03-31-2011 05:26 PM
    matt mattison
    Yes I just took the PFI freediver course the basic clas very handy in infromative highly recomend it it in touch with Jon gannon on the NCUH web site he is instructor his handle is glacous on there. as for float lines I would sgest leisure pro or bamboo reef in rohnert park. get the organge natinal diver 50ft line that is what I use and works great !
  7. VinWalrus
    03-31-2011 05:00 PM
    have you done an Apnia class?? I never have, keep hearing good things..... OH and i need a float line 25-50' I like the plastic tubes vs. the bradded onse... you had a float line guy???
  8. VinWalrus
    03-31-2011 04:33 PM
    Heck yeah man, i will be in Napa Tmrw as im most likely going to Bag TSR untel Monday..... hook up after that ?? we got all week

  9. VinWalrus
    03-22-2011 04:02 PM
    THE Matt Mattison works on April 1.....NO tell me it isnt so!!!!

    just kidding, Saturday sound cool if i go up early

  10. VinWalrus
    03-22-2011 07:50 AM
    Hey Matt , weather permitting im going to drive upo to Searanch the night of the 31st or early 4/1... I will be solo for the first few days

    You guys up for a friday morning swim??

About Me

  • About matt mattison
    A avid abalone diver for 28 years and lover of the ocean and diving !
    NorCal/Monte rio
    Diving,and more diving !
    Stationary engineer
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Make/Model of Boat
    Zodiac 14ft Rigid
    Home Port
    any and all
  • Signature
    Check out my You tube Channel at:https://www.youtube.com/user/mattmattison/videos


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-11-2022 10:42 AM
  • Join Date: 10-24-2008


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