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azspearo azspearo is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. Linghunt
    03-02-2014 04:09 PM
    Aaron Thanks for the various referrals.
  2. SnpperWhisperer
    09-04-2013 03:25 AM
    Oh btw, am going to Fiji in a couple of weeks and have booked a day or two with freedive Fiji. I'm taking my big crist spear and hope to see some fish- prolly won't get a shot, but you never know when opportunities might arise!
  3. AZfisher
    08-27-2013 04:45 PM
    Hey can you add me the private section please
  4. hunterguy
    07-17-2013 11:32 PM
    I still haven't gotten anything about the private az forum page. lol!!!
  5. Anton Hud
    07-16-2013 11:47 AM
    Anton Hud
    Hey I live in Arizona and would really love to get into spearfishing? I don't really understand the rules and regulations. If you have the time to message me with some help and would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Hogkilla
    09-08-2012 07:29 PM
    I saw from an old post (2008) that you are a US distributor for Seatec. If you still are, I need your services. I purchased a seatec geko 110 off craigslist that had a POS cressi handle on it. The barrel of my geko is awesome but I need a new handle/trigger mech for this awesome gun. Can you help me out?

    thanks in advance
  7. hunterguy
    05-28-2012 02:38 PM
    Hey I'm very interested in joining a club!! My name is Ted I have been spearing for a few yrs now! I'd love to be inside the loop!! you can e-mail me at tedwhisler@yahoo.com I'll be looking forward to hearing back from you!
  8. harleydiver1
    10-27-2011 05:38 PM

    The next tourney is Nov. 5th 2011.

    How much is a pole spear like you donated to the raffle last year? I have a customer that may want one and could it be here or sent up by the tourney date?

    Hope all is well.

  9. arbolatero
    07-05-2011 01:19 PM
    Hey hows it going... I sent 650 cash out today at lunch to you. I need a band for my big spear bad. broke yesterday. Also I was wondering if you have experimanted with stronger shafts. I can't tell you how many times i bent the shaft till it weakened. I have been shooting a lot of 30+ lb fish and now am completely out of shafts. Biggest bass so far is a 46 with your polespear. Need more supplies asap.
  10. harleydiver1
    05-18-2011 09:35 AM
    Thanks for the ABS. And, thanks for the raffle prizes. I forget who got the T shirt, I will check the paperwork...I got the sweatshirt...Del Wren won the halibut HAMMER and gave it to Richard Balta.

About Me

  • About azspearo
    Mesa, AZ
  • Signature
    Aaron Crist


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  • Last Activity: 08-04-2024 12:25 PM
  • Join Date: 08-30-2005


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