Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
06-27-2012 02:37 PM
Frontside #'s
33.28.65 x 118.35.36 Johnson Rock - Caution Boiler rocks
33.28.67 x 118.32.25 Arrow Point, just above Indian Rock
33.27.62 x 118.30.44 Eagle Reef
33.27.13 x 118.29.87 Squid Spot
33.27.30 x 118.29.41 Isthmus High Spot
33.27.12 x 117.38.00 Isthmus Reef
33.26.83 x 118.30.05 Lions Head
33.24.35 x 118.21.93 Hen Rock
33.19.32 x 118.22.28 Palisades
Backside #'s
33.28.730 x 118.36.200 West End
33.22.980 x 118.28.680 Little Harbor
33.22.080 x 118.29.300 Sentinel Rock
33.18.830 x 118.25.280 Salta Verde
33.18.540 x 118.21.290 3 V's
33.18.090 x 118.20.430 Orange Rocks
33.17.750 x 118.19.700 Church Rock
06-27-2012 02:37 PM
I don't know if you're a Fish doper
Catalina Island
the white Seabass continue to be the star attraction here. Fish are scattered all around the Island right now. Starting were Darrell Wilson is parked at the Isthmus there are Seabass there and up to Eagle Reef plus beach spots up to Johnson's Rocks. then West Cove and around the corner to lobster bay. Then at Banana Rock and Junk Kelp above the Farnsworth MPA. Past the MPA we haven't heard of any at Salta Verde or Silver canyon BUT if conditions are right they should be there. Then at Church Rock has seen a few. Rounding the corner to the front side some continue to show at the Palisades and Hen rock spots.
The Squid hasn't moved. Still spots at Lions head and Arrow point. There is a shot at Yellowtail on the Squid ground in the early am before 7am.
Then there is the Calico Bass. This action is very good. They are not hard to find. Find a nice thick kelp spot with the current running into it and ir's game on for the Bass.
06-26-2012 05:28 PM
Forgot to leave cell 510-220-1356 in San Diego text ok