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Bass Turd Bass Turd is offline

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  1. Bass Turd
    05-29-2014 10:51 AM
    Bass Turd
    Just got your message bro, shows how much I visit the site!! Fish are moving up river. Shot 2 yesterday.
  2. Speargola Nick
    10-21-2013 09:01 PM
    Speargola Nick
    whats up gio this is janson Neff's buddy nick not sure if your cell works down there or not i texted you, but ill be at willow in the morning if your not workin let me know and you can tag along with me and jim. ill be in the camo boat 7025449561
  3. frankt
    09-05-2013 05:59 PM
    hey gio this is zach, the guy who traded u headers i was wonderin if u wanted to do some spearing or had any good advice for me i also got a 140 etr mako so range is not a problem anymore
  4. IDreamOfVis
    02-26-2013 07:04 PM
    Hey Gio, this is Shane (you treated Justin and me to some striper tacos and home brews back in Jan). I'll be back down at willow from March 21-24 for some spearing and camping. I was wondering how the striper fishing is that time or year (are they still running the whole length or the river or is it warm enough to start bringing em back up river?). The 23 & 24th are a weekend, if your not working your more than welcome to hit the water with us. We will hopefully have a couple of yaks this time around. BTW thanks again for letting me borrow your yak last time and for the epic cooking and brews.
    Dive safe,
  5. AaronC
    01-13-2013 04:26 PM
    Hey Gio,

    Thanks for the message. Let me know when its gets closer to the tournament and we'll probably be able to work something out. I really appreciate the offer and the help!
  6. HowdIgetSoLucky
    01-11-2013 09:23 AM
    Gio, hows it going, great I hope. How has the fishing been? I have made plans to be at willow beach the last week of January 23/24 time frame. I will have my kayak this time. Any suggestions on locations depths, surface features that you have found to be consistent with the presence of fish? A couple of guys from the last trip are there now, Justin and Shane you might run into them. Hope you have time to get back. Here is my email address, its more reliable to get a hold of me this way. Terry@utahspearfishingassociation.com
    Oh, I just though of this. I am running a trip through the dive shop I work at in Salt Lake to California up on the Sonoma coast for abalone and ling cod in April. You should join us. "Norcal Ab & Spear 2013" on the Dive Addicts web site Diveaddicts.com under the travel button.
  7. HowdIgetSoLucky
    12-16-2012 11:29 PM
    Gio, Hey great to hear from you. We all had a great time and learned a lot about the area. My son Tyler was the only one to take a striper that day. I did see one that gave me a poor chance to shoot it then it took off. I should have taken the shot. I was having a really difficult time with a sinus squeeze but still managed a few dives and our time was limited. Sorry to hear you lost one, that always sucks. I am excited to come back with my dive kayak as soon as I can and see a bit more of what Willow Beach has to offer. And of course would love to bring home a couple of fish. As a kid I would fish with my family for Atlantic stiper when we lived on Long Island and remember how wonderful the fish was to eat. Hope the fresh water variety is just as good. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. It was a pleasure to meet you and I hope a few of us can get back down there soon. Terry Reist
  8. AaronC
    11-15-2012 05:36 AM
    Hey Turd! (don't know if that's politically correct?.. haha)

    Thanks for the kind words. I will give you a shout later today. In the meantime, you can visit our site and figure out which shirts you'd like. www.spearedapparel.com

    Thanks again. Talk to you soon..


About Me

  • About Bass Turd
    NY native currently living in AZ.
    Shooting fish, Brewin' beer
    Fish Biologist, USFWS
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Spearboard, Lakemohavestriper
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  • Last Activity: 04-13-2021 04:14 PM
  • Join Date: 08-04-2011


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