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Old 12-19-2013, 07:28 PM   #1
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2014 World Spearfishing Championships

The 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

October 22nd to the 27th

The USOA just recently completed the final stage of qualifying a team for the 2014 World Championships. The qualifying process is a cumulative total from the 2012 & 2013 US Nationals.

Team USA 2014

1. Dan Silveria
2. Harold Gibson
3. Alex Reynaud

At the moment, I am still not sure the list of countries that will be competing. It is still pretty hard to get information at this time.

Supporting your World Team

Over the next year, Team USA will be making every effort to fundraise for our huge endeavor . . . our quest of finishing on the podium.

Amadeo (www.abachar.com) is creating a design for our team shirts and I am sure they are going to be pretty sweet. One of the really cool aspects of the World Comp is trading branded shirts and gear with the other teams. I have heard that the US Teams have always had a good time with this and we are also looking forward to these moments.

In our preparations we could use a little help from our fellow divers

Dive Clubs

As part of our effort to get the USOA to make donations 100% tax deductible, we were hoping you would help out with fundraising. Our goal is to fundraise as much as possible from shirt sales. These funds will be strictly allocated for boat fuel during our scouting and tournament. Raising these funds for us can be done by helping to sell our team shirts on your club site and at meetings or placing an order to outfit your whole club. As well, a donation link will be available on our website in the event your club would like to simply make a flat donation. As a thank you for your effort, when we return from Worlds, a member from our team will put together a tournament recap presentation and provide an electronic version to show to the club. If you are a club in California, a member of the team will come to your club to talk about the event, the diving and what it entailed. As well, your club will be named on our site as part of our Dive Club Support section.

Experience & Photos

If you have dove the waters off of Lima, then let's hear about it. Post up any stories you may have and photos of fish you landed. The more information we gather, the better!!
Alex Reynaud
Team USA 2014
Team Sea Sniper
CenCal Spearfishing
Monterey Bay Tritions
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Old 01-27-2014, 02:33 PM   #2
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

We are officially on the countdown to the World Spearfishing Championship and our team is working hard to fundraise.

Please take a moment to check out our website and get to know our team. You can stay connected by signing up for our newsletter as well.

Amadeo has once again produced an amazing piece of artwork for our team and he will be selling a Limited Edition Lithograph. 100 limited edition numbered pieces that will look amazing in your spearfishing room, office or over your bed.. Check it out at our site and at www.abachar.com

Official Team USA site is:
We are going to be producing some really nice tri-blend ultra soft shirts and few other swag items over the next few months. Stay in touch and feel free to reach out if you have any questions

Thank you for the support.
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Alex Reynaud
Team USA 2014
Team Sea Sniper
CenCal Spearfishing
Monterey Bay Tritions
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Old 02-07-2014, 07:05 AM   #3
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

It appears that more rumors are coming up of a cancellation of the Peru World Spearfishing Championship due to the Peruvian federation not being able to secure the minimum conditions for the championship.

Its being also said that a alternative location could be found in spain...

news in Italian

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Old 02-10-2014, 03:15 AM   #4
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships


The peruvian federation has till 15th of February to guaranty CMAS they comply with all the requisites for holding a WC in Peru...

Its almost certain that the 2014 Spearfishing World Championships will be held at Cadiz (south of Spain) in the beginning of September...

Following CMAS rules if a federation fails to organize a WC, CMAS calls the federation who organized the last WC (Vigo, Spain) to put up this event.
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Old 02-20-2014, 04:16 PM   #5
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

29th World Spearfishing Championships Update:

"As President of the CMAS Spear Fishing Commission, I would like to confirm that the XXIX World Championship of Spear Fishing it will be held in Peru.

The date programmed it will be from 28th October, through 02nd November 2014.

The central place will the City of Lima (Hotel Atton San Isidro).

And the Competition zones would be in areas of Pucusana and Sta Maria, about 40Km south of Lima."

President of CMAS
Antonio Cruz
Alex Reynaud
Team USA 2014
Team Sea Sniper
CenCal Spearfishing
Monterey Bay Tritions
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Old 02-20-2014, 06:11 PM   #6
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

The spanish autorithies are probably not happy with this result as there was news all over the media confirming the change to Cadiz...

I'm glad Peru managed to comply and organize the world championship.
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Old 02-20-2014, 06:13 PM   #7
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

Originally Posted by FHS View Post
The spanish autorithies are probably not happy with this result as there was news all over the media confirming the change to Cadiz...

I'm glad Peru managed to comply and organize the world championship.
Yes, our team is looking forward to Peru as well and are very happy that it worked out.
Alex Reynaud
Team USA 2014
Team Sea Sniper
CenCal Spearfishing
Monterey Bay Tritions
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Old 03-28-2014, 05:23 PM   #8
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

The dates are official:

October 29th to November 2nd.

Your support is needed and you can help us by buying a shirt and sticker at www.usworldspearfishingteam.com

Thank you,

Alex Reynaud
Team USA 2014
Team Sea Sniper
CenCal Spearfishing
Monterey Bay Tritions
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Old 05-09-2014, 06:30 AM   #9
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

Supplementary Regulations of the XXIX World Spearfishing Championships, Lima (Peru)

Reglamento Particular del XXIX Campeonato Mundial de Pesca Submarina, Lima (Perú)

24 de abril de 2014

Ya está disponible el Reglamento Particular del XXIX Campeonato Mundial de Pesca Submarina, Lima (Perú), que se celebrará entre los días 29 de octubre y el día 3 de noviembre organizado por la Federación Deportiva Peruana de Actividades Subacuáticas.

Los países clasificados para participar en este Campeonato del Mundo son:
Countries classified to participate in this World Championship are:

1. España
2. Portugal
3. Grecia
4. Croacia
5. Italia
6. Ucrania
7. Turquía
8. Rusia
9. Finlandia
10. Bulgaria
11. Dinamarca

1. Perú
2. Chile
3. Venezuela
4. USA
5. Brasil
6. Argentina
7. Colombia

1. Australia
2. Nueva Zelanda
3. Tahití

Países que están en lista de espera:
Countries that are on the waiting list:

1. México
2. Noruega
3. Gran Bretaña
4. San Marino


more information
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Old 09-05-2014, 02:32 PM   #10
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

interview with the director of the championship in the Peruvian TV
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Old 11-01-2014, 01:28 PM   #11
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

Comenzó el mundial
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Old 11-02-2014, 03:13 AM   #12
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

Santiago Lopez Cid won the first race of the world
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Old 11-02-2014, 12:41 PM   #13
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

The Spaniards are killing it out there with Croatia being close.


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Old 11-03-2014, 09:21 AM   #14
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships


World's team scores.....
Alessandro, once Rome, Italy/ now West Palm Beach, Fl
" The difference between men and boys is the price of their toys "


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Old 11-03-2014, 10:29 AM   #15
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Re: 2014 World Spearfishing Championships

España logra una victoria sin precedentes en el Campeonato del Mundo de Pesca Submarina de Perú

a 3 noviembre, 2014


De nuevo la Selección Española de Pesca Submarina ha hecho historia, y en esta ocasión ha sido ganando todo lo que se puede ganar en un campeonato del mundo fuera de casa: medalla de oro en la clasificación por naciones, y en la clasificación individual: el oro, la plata y el bronce.

Tras una primera jornada en la que el dominio de la Selección Española fue notorio, no quedaba más remedio que esperar la resolución de la segunda, en la que se preveía una mayor dureza en el estado de la mar y que podía dar sorpresas de cara a la clasificación final.

Durante las cinco horas de competición, las capturas de peces válidos se iban anotando con cuentagotas en los pasapeces de nuestros pescadores, pero tampoco estaba siendo fácil para los demás ya que a media mañana y por las informaciones que circulaban, había muchos grandes pescasubs que portaban un par de capturas o estaban a cero. Y así se continuó hasta el final de la ronda, en la que ya en puerto, se podía ver que el número de capturas era apreciablemente menor que el día anterior.

La suerte estaba echada y ya solo quedaba que la báscula y unos pocos cálculos dieran el orden de la clasificación. Según se iban acercando las últimas pesadas, se intuía una alegría nerviosa entre los miembros de la Selección Española, el podio por naciones estaba asegurado, pero faltaba la confirmación del orden de los puestos de cabeza, que una vez conocidos, hicieron romper a la Selección en una explosión de alegría: Xavi Blanco, se proclamaba Campeón del Mundo; Samuel Tomás, segundo clasificado; y Santi López Cid, tercero en la lista.

Ninguna Selección Nacional había conseguido hasta este momento hacerse con las tres medallas individuales y el oro por naciones en un campeonato del mundo celebrado fuera de casa. De nuevo, la élite de la pesca submarina española ha hecho historia.

Todo un gran logro conseguido por una gran selección, en un mar muy duro, gracias a la gran calidad de los equipos y al gran trabajo realizado.

En el podio de izquierda a derecha:
Óscar Sebastiá, Samuel Tomás (segundo clasificado), Óscar Cervantes, Xavi Blanco (campeón del mundo), David F. Montero, Óscar Sague (jefe exp.), Sergio de Julián, Antonio Linares, Santi López (tercer clasificado), Andrés Pita.

Debajo en el centro:
Andrés Sureda (capitán).
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