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snackrifice snackrifice is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19
  1. MeTo
    04-15-2016 02:32 PM
  2. NW_Al
    03-02-2016 05:50 PM
    Yep, I'm cousin Al! There are is a yahoo group called the bottomsounders. I've never spoken up in any of their online conversations but they often go to and talk about Neah Bay. They sound like a careful group the follow some rules, one being the one up one down rule. Last year a freediving spearo at Neah bay got tangled up in some kelp and died. He was with someone but the someone had little experience. This group seems to prefer going with trained freedivers but I don't think they are too picky. They definitely have experience and know the area.
  3. Anne Doherty
    05-30-2014 06:26 AM
    Anne Doherty
  4. jmb3
    07-28-2013 11:47 AM
    My name is Jonathan Boyd I met you last night at hammerheads at the weigh in Eric introduced me to you. Hope nationals treats you guys well.
  5. MeTo
    06-04-2013 09:53 PM
    Yes,Thurs I'll be in westerly
  6. snackrifice
    03-15-2013 03:55 PM
    Just go to www.tristateskindivers.com and go to membership. You can do everything through there. Best way to catch up with us is at the March 23rd New England Council of Divers meeting at the Mews Tavern in Wakefield at 12 noon. Most everyone will be there and we will be having some beers and shooting the shit.


  7. MLandau27
    03-13-2013 01:20 PM

    I know we spoke last year and am interested in joining the tristate skin divers this year. I spent the last year getting comfortable in the water and feeling out the sport. I have really come to love it especially after spending a few weeks down in Florida putting a lot of fish in the boat. I really want to get hooked up with you guys so I can begin to dive with experienced divers like you guys so that I can improve and learn. I visited you website. How do I go about joining?
  8. Mahi Mike
    10-08-2012 04:50 PM
    Mahi Mike
    sorry have a major problem with the basics of computer skills . youre best bet is to just text me or call 321-749-0659
  9. MLandau27
    08-06-2012 07:49 PM
    Hello my name is Mike Landau and I am
    New to the sport. I have been around water my whole life and got turned on to spearfishing from a buddy down in the keys. I didn't realize people speared up here. I live in CT and am interested in your group as I have been told you have lots of divers with a lot of experience. Do you guys/gals ever dive in CT? I recently bought my basic gear and am ready to go. Something came up last weekend but I was planning on going to the tournament to meet everyone. Buzz kill I couldn't make it. Any info on your club or people I should get in contact with would be great. I have a mako predator coming in the mail on Thursday I can't wait to get it wet!
  10. Kosumi
    05-22-2012 09:07 AM
    Ok, the Gil guns is yours. The other guy wants me to hold it for almost 2 weeks!! Please provide adress so I can get a shipping cost. I shipped a blue water gun 2 months ago to east coast and it was 67.00. You can deposit money (gun & ship) into my wife's PayPal:
    Let me know as I have 2 other guys below you that want the gun. Cheers!

About Me

  • About snackrifice
    I eat therefore I am
    Squalor, CT
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Tri State Skin Divers
    Make/Model of Boat
    Quintrex 210 bluewater
    Home Port
    ramp trash
  • Signature



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General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-19-2024 08:08 AM
  • Join Date: 05-30-2008


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