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Crusty Old Dive Crusty Old Dive is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 24
  1. longcj
    06-05-2019 06:06 PM
    Dude. This is the guy you swapped a chainsaw carving for gyotaku with. Thinking about you today (not gay) as we finished a 4 day Airbnb in Gloucester and I maxed on winter flounder every day! If you can manage a drive now is the time for flounder on the north coast. Let me know if you want some spots.
  2. Mutt
    11-18-2013 08:54 AM
    hey crusty, that is awesome. We are in the process of collecting any dive gear that anyone would be willing to donate to help our disabled veterans get in the water. 727-483-8424. thank you!
  3. trap
    10-16-2013 06:07 AM
    Dear Crusty Old Dive,

    An email with a scanned image is perfect!!!! Just let me know how you want me to write the credits. You can send it to: bruce.cole@state.de.us.

    Here is an example for our blue shark credits: "Ralph Martens Illustration, courtesy www.JustSportfishing.com"

    THANKS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. trap
    10-15-2013 08:31 AM
    I am with the State of Delaware, Division of Fish and Wildlife. We are updating our web pages as well as developing a free APP. Part of the web page and free APP includes fish identification illustrations for fish that may be caught by anglers in fresh and marine waters of Delaware (including offshore species). This app has over 160 fish species that anglers might catch hook and line (or spear).

    The print (Spearboard.com message page) of your sea raven is absolutely fantastic. Did you ever have it scanned electronically?

    If so, is there any chance we could use your sea raven illustration in our free app and web page? You would be given credit as the artist as well as your web page (free advertisement).

    Thank you.

    Bruce B. Cole
    Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife, Fisheries Section
    3002 Bayside Drive
    Dover, DE 19901
    (302) 735-2961

    Celebrating Delaware’s Fish & Wildlife Federal Funding Partnership.
  5. Qdiver911
    09-03-2013 01:24 PM
    Tried calling you today. Phone just rang and rang. No VM option.
  6. Freedvrjim
    06-10-2013 10:24 PM
    Hey Crusty, Send me some sample bios I couldn't find them on web
  7. glandularp
    04-26-2013 10:23 AM
    401-368-2760 sorry forgot area code
  8. glandularp
    04-26-2013 10:09 AM
    My name is Glenn mccrory. Friend would like to buy the kayak
    It looks great! You can call me at 3682760. Thanks for yor time!
  9. a3P
    03-11-2013 07:31 AM
    I'll take the fins. I'll give you a call later this week to work out the details.

  10. Diver dog
    03-09-2013 10:43 AM
    Diver dog
    hey john,
    Im going out to the lake plez on the 23rd. hope to h&l and spear some fish.

About Me

  • About Crusty Old Dive
    Diving since 1992
    New London, CT
    Art, Music and diving
    Calibration specialist
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Tristate Skindivers / Mass Freediving Club
    Make/Model of Boat
    Wilderness Systems 160 Tarpon
    Home Port
    New London, CT


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-23-2017 10:45 AM
  • Join Date: 08-11-2008


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