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ApneaSpearo ApneaSpearo is offline


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  1. Matt Melvin
    10-07-2010 09:32 PM
    Matt Melvin
    Hey sorry for the late response! Not sure when the Senate will act. Marine Fisheries expected to have this done last spring. That is why they printed the abstracts without the prohibition on spearing. Looking good for next season.
  2. longcj
    07-27-2010 07:27 AM
    Dude. How are ya? I'm DYING to get in the water, but my damn ear STILL won't clear and I'm getting a little worried. Regardless, I'm hoping to get in either this weekend or either the following wednesday or thursday. I'll let you know in the coming days. Also, just 'cuz we talked about it, the carving came out freakin awesome. The stains/paint I used produced some really realistic fish swimming above a lobster just coming out of its hole. I'll try to have the girl send you some pics, but either way it'll be down at newport freedive sometime next week. Hope you're doing well.
  3. Adelito
    05-22-2009 01:16 PM
    Dude when are we going diving!

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  • Last Activity: 07-07-2024 07:22 PM
  • Join Date: 09-23-2006


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