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rojodiablo rojodiablo is offline

My spawn kills on....

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
  1. SpankTheTank
    07-25-2017 07:22 AM
    Hey Paul,
    I just wanted to say thank you for your response, input and knowledge. I didn't want to hijack his thread on fins so I figured I'd just send you a message. I'll keep diving and give it my best. It definitely gets a little more comfortable every time. Myself and Adrian (talked to you the other day at OC club meeting about nationals, I had a little guy with me who pulled the raffle) took the Fii course with Jeremy and that was a must. Anyways, thanks again! Good luck to you and Lauren.
  2. BigJoe
    07-25-2016 10:06 AM
  3. Sebastien
    06-29-2015 04:17 PM
    Hey Paul how are you?
    Quick question do you have Dale s nunber? ( gonetobaja) i am heading south towards el baril and he is a good guy to know down there...
    Have you been there btw? San franciscito area?
    I went there last year it was epic we saw marlins every day and a lot of game fish!
    I wonder how hard they got it by the hurricane?
  4. rojodiablo
    11-25-2014 02:25 AM
    Yes; I have already done a set of notes and talked about it with the dive clubs. I haven't been in a mood to put too much in the open because some of the aspects of the LAC are a little different after the last meeting. I'm not one to instill false hope too early, or to promote any kind of an upheaval over things which have not at all yet happened.
    But I will post something by the weekend. Thanks Bill.
  5. Awabiman
    11-24-2014 01:48 AM
    Are you going to post anything about the last MRC meeting?
  6. mainphrame
    08-04-2013 10:39 PM
    Lobster FMP update: August 15 meeting. Can you direct me to where i can read up on this stuff. I would appreciate it, please pm me. Thanks.
  7. rojodiablo
    08-17-2012 10:09 PM
    There are a wide variety of gloves I will use. The ones I have right now came from Ganahl lumber- a 3 pack for like $18. In general, look for some kind of soft leather, ala suede, and nylon breathable material for the rest of the glove (Back of your hands). There are so many tyhat will do the job; basically mechanicx style gloves. But for less than $30 a pair!!!
  8. bakir_sonic
    08-17-2012 02:30 PM
    What was the name of those gloves you threw at us last night? Btw thanks again for all the Lobster info
  9. hutloc
    08-05-2012 12:51 AM
    hey i got in late.. hope you filled the spot. next year i wanna plan it out and bring my sons. best o luck!! jamie
  10. Travis Jones
    10-02-2011 10:57 PM
    Travis Jones
    Paul...gimme a call bro. I want to see if there is any leftover PCC shwag for sale. I want a couple medium hoodies. 559 355 6271

About Me

  • About rojodiablo
    Slave to the grind!!
    Huntington Beach, Ca
    Spearfishing Clubs
    LA Fathomiers
    Make/Model of Boat
    Seaswirl 23'
    Home Port
    HB Harbor
  • Signature
    Safety is but an illusion; Every grain of sand was once a mountain. Every speck of dust..... was once a man. Nothing can stop this, in time. So use the time you have well..... you won't get it back.


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  • Last Activity: 12-15-2021 10:00 PM
  • Join Date: 09-05-2005


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