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greekspearo greekspearo is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 16
  1. godiveRI
    07-17-2011 09:28 PM
    Hey man, I'm Phil, new to the board. I see somebody commented about BI on your wall. I'm heading there this week and I was wondering if you knew of any good spots off the beach. Thanks.
  2. kingspear2000
    08-10-2009 04:04 PM
    hey just wondering how your trip to the block over the weekend was. doing a trip like that wednesday night curious as to what to expect
  3. OahuFreediver
    06-29-2009 08:48 AM
    Hey bro! Ya no problem at all with my dad, You will just have to meet him at my house for the exchange in nashua. He doesnt work friday till sunday so thats the best bet for a time. Just got my blue water gun, The Platinum 160 from BTspearfishing ahhhh im itching to get back to hawaii haha. Hows diving been for you? Run into Mister GW yet.
  4. hyeparis
    06-17-2009 09:15 PM
    Good idea! I will call you tomorrow!
  5. OahuFreediver
    05-17-2009 12:32 AM
    Sadly no im stuck in the waste lands of Iraq... Il be back aug-oct... if i cant dive NH il be happy enough out in hawaii... Oh ya I tried that spot out at rye that one time you told me clarity was horrible that day though.
  6. OahuFreediver
    05-16-2009 11:55 PM
    Hey stranger whats good? Been out in the water yet this year?
  7. ccbraga
    04-28-2009 11:59 AM
    Hey greekspearo,
    I live in Bedford, HH...not too far from you. We should plan a couple of trips in the NH area. I'm the guy who has the 15 foot inflatable...I'm not sure if it would make a trip to the Shoals...I'd love to go for cod. Give me a call 210-316-1660.
  8. fishyak
    04-22-2009 10:07 AM
    SWEET! gimme a ring: 401-207-6632
  9. fishyak
    04-21-2009 07:32 PM
    hey james, you wanna go to the isle o shoals this weekend? take the boat out for a test run? i got gas money! if no, i shot a tog and have seen quite a few so if you are itchin to shoot some, come on down and i think we can find you a couple

  10. knetter420
    04-01-2009 08:37 AM
    count me in for the isle of shoals trip been there many times with my dad back in the day. What do you have for used stuff? I am looking for fins/weight belt/mask think i might have gotten a gun already, but just in case.

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  • About greekspearo
    haverhill MASS


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  • Last Activity: 07-10-2010 01:57 PM
  • Join Date: 12-15-2007

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