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JoeSher JoeSher is offline

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  1. JoeSher
    06-09-2011 08:47 AM
    they're there...defend your fish and respect their space
  2. dparache
    06-08-2011 09:39 AM
    thanks joe whats up with the sharks out there ?
  3. dparache
    06-06-2011 05:52 PM
    ok maybe i will see you at the weight in on sat night...
  4. dparache
    06-06-2011 01:04 PM
    no but will pass by r in the tourney?
  5. riley's hump
    05-25-2011 06:28 PM
    riley's hump
    Hi Joe
    Just took PFI refresher in Ft Lauderdale and everyone said you did great at Cayman. Tell Ren and Ashley congratsVentana June 12 for Red Sea again. Hope to hit a Wahoo this time, but if not the fresh sahsimi and diving will be worth going for.I'm still having problems with grouper grunting to clear after 70' weather too bad at PFI to get out deep so working with it on my own.
    Glad to hear you are still into it.
  6. JoeSher
    03-14-2010 11:08 AM
    July works for me...lets stay in touch a little closer to June/July and hopefully plan a trip to dive together...will u be at Blue Wild? I'm planning on going this year. Heading to Gulf coast of FL in two weeks to film/hunt with Jeromy Gamble and Alvyn Holmes...do u know those FL boys? Stoked for u that you're taking the course in June! In case you don't have it, here's my cell: 910-352-6371...talk soon
  7. riley's hump
    03-09-2010 05:15 PM
    riley's hump
    Our class starts June 17th. Haven't decided about towing boat to KW yet. Marqueseas is an atoll, only one in continental US about 24 miles west of KW. Galleons Atocha and Margueritta sank 7 miles west. Permit is just opened for spearing after ages of closure good there.
    Gulf Snapper season should open June 1, but July would bring better visb and after our class hopefully we will be better able to at least keep you insight, but if you want to come for opener thats fine too.
    I have nothing to do after April 1 but garden and dive. Will keep you posted on Morrisons too. Water has to drop a little in Choctowhatchee river as spring will siphon if too high.
    Will email on your personal Email after this. just read it. We still aren't on internet except on visits to town, but going to gym a lot now so more reliable. Our #251-276-0098. We are always up for diving.
  8. JoeSher
    03-03-2010 12:24 PM
    I thought I'd try your phone number instead of replying here...mine is 910-352-6371 and email is joesheridanjr at gmail dot com I just posted my new video on spearfishing planet under the Freediving section titled "When it freezing in FL" www.vimeo.com/9811189 I'll have the dive portion of that trip posted in a couple of weeks. I'd love to come down south and freedive/shoot video with you guys...when would be the best month to come visit? Joe
  9. riley's hump
    01-21-2010 06:17 PM
    riley's hump
    What springs did you dive?
    One of the best dives I had last year was at Morrison springs Between Mobile and Panama City. There was a 20 ft 0 visb layer then clear as glass. Really wild lighting. My personal freedive goal is to dive the cavern Bottom which is 95'. There is only one 10' restriction about 8' wide and everything is straight up and down. Only flow problems is at restriction. One of the prettiest in Florida when basin is clear. I grew up diving all the Fla springs back in the early 60's on an old double hose Aquamaster with hospital valve and line wrapped on 2X4 block and motorcyle headlight. Before Sheck Exley's day. I've got to get a video camera and housing. What do you have? I signed up for PFD class also so we are getting excited. May take my boat down and do some diving after ward out towards Marqueseas. Will stay in touch.
  10. riley's hump
    01-18-2010 04:49 PM
    riley's hump
    Joe, We're starting to ansy for the snapper season. Supposed to try about first week of march for AJ, pompano, and giant winter sheepshead. Have had lots of rain and water is cold so I guess it will be a challenge. Krista is heading to Performance freediving course in KW june 17. Hope you can get down with us this year. After May 1 thats our main focus. Unfortunately it sounds like Charlie is going to give it up due to sinus problems and Brenda's fear of SWB. Steve that lives on their place usually goes out as deck hand for us and I know Chalie would love to see you if you get down whether he gets out or not. I guess snapper is open June 1. We are very anxious to get down off the mouth of Mississippi for pelagics this year. I check email about twice week these days. Hope you had a good winter

About Me

  • About JoeSher
    Wilmington, NC
    surf/snow sales rep
    Make/Model of Boat
    18' Privateer


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  • Last Activity: 04-30-2013 10:28 PM
  • Join Date: 07-29-2008


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