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lifreediver lifreediver is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. G MAN
    09-23-2012 03:24 PM
    G MAN
    Yeah fair enough. Everyone perceives things differently. The pics on the NY Post link farking disturbed me... and the pic posted gave me an underwater dimension to the news pics. I then thought others could have the same perception and messaged.
    Dove yesterday with a mate and my heart wasn't in it, which never happens. Ended up in the boat for the last spot and put-puted around while my buddy dove. This whole tragedy has been in my head and heart everyday since happening.
  2. Paininthebass
    06-13-2012 10:57 AM
    hey dave, its connor, the spearfisher you met out at moriches a few weeks ago in without a wet suit. i saw your post that night and it made me laugh a lil. i created an account, but it didny clear me to post until just a few days ago. i wanted to thank you for the offer about the wetsuit, but honestly i dont know if id feel right accepting something like that for free, i know how expensive they are lol mostly the reason i dive w/o one haha college budget. -connor
  3. Soaking wet
    05-27-2012 08:17 PM
    Soaking wet
    Sorry about not seeing your pm sooner.
    Eddie 321-986-7242
  4. lifreediver
    08-18-2010 05:57 PM
    hey eddie give me a call 631 245 2783 whats your number would like to talk to ya
  5. Soaking wet
    07-24-2010 08:01 PM
    Soaking wet
    Hey Dave ,
    It;s me Eddie .
    I haven't heard from you in a while,I haven't been divig much here due to weather etc.


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  • Last Activity: 02-11-2015 10:59 AM
  • Join Date: 05-15-2010

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