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R.Boonfield R.Boonfield is offline

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  1. MAKO Spearguns
    03-27-2018 05:56 PM
    MAKO Spearguns
    Well the larger light costs more to manufacture. It has a larger battery and other components probably cost more.

    The 630 light is really super small, it would be great for a freediver who wants to carry the absolute minimal amount of gear AND it also works really well as a muzzle light on the front of a gun (with the MAKO mount).

    The larger light is brighter, will last longer and if you are scuba diving, the somewhat larger size will be inconsequential. they are both great lights.

    Thanks for the inquiry!
  2. SUPspearo
    07-19-2016 08:31 AM
    Hey man my name is Brandon Ingalls I started first coast freedivers I saw that you don't have facebook (which is currently our only form of communication). Feel free to give me a call or text (904)314-0803 and I will also attach the info for our next meeting.

    Hello all we will be holding our July meeting on Thursday the 28th, it will start around 6:30-7 at North Guana Outpost as always don't hesitate to show up late. If you have any questions(trips, shirts, etc..) please comment them here so we can address them at the meeting. If you have been looking into trips for us already please come with some info so we can get a trip organized. I personally think an R5 (45 miles outta mayport) and cobia/grouper trip would be pretty cool for this time of year, but open to everything.
    Looking forward to seeing you all and happy hunting.

About Me

  • About R.Boonfield
    Mandarin, FL


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  • Last Activity: 02-10-2020 09:21 PM
  • Join Date: 08-28-2015

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