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ekinoderminator ekinoderminator is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Adam Sachs
    11-28-2011 11:11 PM
    Adam Sachs
    Hey JB,

    Did you get the PM I sent you about coming up in a couple weeks? I'm coming up with a buddy who's new to mushroom hunting and we'd love to meet up with you one day if that works. Hopefully you'll be around. Talk soon!
    06-23-2011 02:26 PM
    Hey John call me @ 1-321-298-5061 - No one can seem to find you and your floats are in high demand!
  3. Diablo Loco
    06-20-2011 02:35 PM
    Diablo Loco
    Hey John, answer your phone. Or call me 559-288-7005 i has a question for you
    06-10-2011 09:11 AM

    John - Please check out this event - We are looking for possible donations to our prize table. A Banks board would be the top prize for sure - We are hoping! This is a SHORE DIVE event. Many of us shore dive here and the tax man visits occasionally! Your float can save lives, fish, and make better memories! I have spoken with Rob Murphy AND the owners of Florida Freediver's about carrying your float. They seemed interested after listening to my enthusiasm! Please check it out and decide if you can help us out. If not we'll understand - Times are tough all over. Here is another link to the event on FB too! https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=149662431773117
  5. sdfreediver
    01-11-2011 12:08 AM
    I checked out my schedule today and there is no way I can take wednesday off. Too many meetings. I will keep an eye on the swell model and if a good break comes around I will PM you. Thanks again for taking the time to drive all the way out to hang out with Craig and I. Oh, I tried the olive oil, pepper and salt chant cooking...it was amazing. Best mushroom I've ever eaten.

    Hopefully I will make it to Big Sur one day this weekend. I will report back if I make it.
  6. josedesucre
    12-30-2010 10:20 PM
    Apparently nobody wants to admit that they also cheat with downloads. I am one that, after losing Limewire, have been looking for some other way to download songs for free, but haven't find anything. Have you?
  7. kev the sea dog
    12-05-2010 02:10 PM
    kev the sea dog
    John, the board is rad!
    I took it out yesterday. Unfrortunately not good enogh vis for finishing the vid. I got a couple context shots, and could have shot two 30lbs white sea bass with no issue. A huge sandbass gave me the slip, and though I came in empty handed, I still had a blast. Talk with you soon. Thanks a ton for the board!

About Me

  • About ekinoderminator
    Stockton, CA
    mushroom hunting, rock hounding, horticulture, intertidal life
    Doing my best to not to work for The Man.
    Make/Model of Boat
    Scupper Pro
    Home Port
    East Bay


Total Posts
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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-09-2013 11:24 PM
  • Join Date: 04-03-2009


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