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Burg John Burg John is offline

hogfish ceviche bitches

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. motocrunch
    05-26-2013 09:49 AM
    I only rose to a level of maturity that I thought you may understand. Futher discussion would be pointless. Stay off my threads unless your have a question regarding the sale or the point of the member items. Now go dive
  2. Contender36
    05-21-2013 03:04 PM
    Its yours. fill your tanks and sharpen your spears. u know the area around the Gwalia? we need some spots to hit. Or do you have a better area to go to?
  3. Contender36
    05-20-2013 04:01 PM
    Im running the contender out to the Gwalia and then some grounds drops on memorial day. Its me, Alex and Snapperhead. he said you were a good dude and diver. Wanna go?
    Comandercontender. I think a comander outranks a captain?
  4. Spearo|Joe
    04-20-2013 03:09 PM
    Spot still open for tomorrow?
  5. Bigski
    03-29-2013 04:58 PM
    did you get any of my msgs? there's nothing in my sent box and can't tell
  6. ltwolf8
    02-25-2013 04:28 PM
    I won, the mod cleaned that bitch up! U mad bro? Im sure you are actually a nice guy in person John, I'm sorry we got of to a bad start!! Anyway gl diving....
  7. Contender36
    11-10-2012 08:49 PM
    btw is sell ferrari and Lambos if you need a fast car

About Me

  • About Burg John
    Smacks Bayou, St Petersburg FL
    Guns, scuba, fast cars, fast 4 wheelers, fast jet skis, fast boats... fast trucks...
    ****ing w people
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Who ever is on my boat today spearfish club
    Make/Model of Boat
    94 23' aquasport, 73 30' chris craft, 03 16' lowe
    Home Port
    Crisp park or Belleair causeway
  • Signature
    Because I'm the captain, that's why.

    1996 seadoo xp 800
    2003 lowe 1648
    1994 aquasport 22.5
    1973 chriscraft 30


Total Posts
Visitor Messages
General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-06-2023 10:48 AM
  • Join Date: 08-10-2012


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