Hi Cam,
Sorry for the slow reply. Haven't been on the forum much.
I haven't had any issues in regards to overloading the mech with 4 bands (14mm = 9/16th diameter) if that's what you are getting at. The release is smooth.
However, the stainless steel used by Nile-Tec isn't overly stainless. Where the line release recesses into the mech rusted up significantly, even with thorough fresh water flushing after use. The pronounced curve of the trigger itself makes it difficult for the push rod to engage the trigger. I had to heavily modify it. All the pins that hold the components in the mech aren't peened either. So the pins can slide out of the housing when the mech is removed. Everything does stay in place when the mech is housed in the gun.
Would I use this mech again? No. It's not terrible. But it could be better. Eventually I'll swap it out for a reverse Neptonics which has a similar load rating from memory.
Hope this helps!