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NorCalTom NorCalTom is offline

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  1. Spearsurf
    06-18-2015 10:06 PM
    Hey Tommy! Thanks so much for reaching out! Nice to meet you as well! Stoked to hear you are getting into the sport! I am fairly new myself...been at it for about a year now. I always prefer a dive buddy...makes it more enjoyable and I always feel more confident and secure in the water. I actually went for a solo dive here in Monterey today because I couldn't find anybody to go with. It was a lot of fun, but I must admit, I am always a little spooked when I'm on my own. I shot one rock fish and then had a seal following me around and ultimately decided to get out.
    When are you coming to town? Tomorrow morning (Friday)? If so, I'd be up for a dive with you for sure! My Saturday is busy now, so I won't be able to go then, but tomorrow morning for sure. Let me know! My number is (323)251-2957
    Give me a call and regardless if it doesn't work for tomorrow, then at least we'll have each others number for some time in the near future. Cheers bud!


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  • Last Activity: 11-15-2021 07:47 PM
  • Join Date: 05-30-2015


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