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hatterasfreedvr hatterasfreedvr is offline

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  1. Billy Z
    08-01-2019 06:03 AM
    Billy Z
    Have a few questions for ya if you have a second
  2. BWFearns
    06-27-2016 06:22 PM
    Hey man it's Brandon my number is 7576776927. Good talking to ya today, the vis did end up sucking pretty bad but managed to nail a good sheepshead ��
  3. robcnav284
    02-04-2014 04:14 PM
    Hey man . Friend me on Fb its easier to chat there . Robert Navratil . I'm a new York diver so we dive pretty shallow . My max is 70" but that's in crappy vis I've never dove clean water on reef. Were staying on the navy base right across street from airport . I'm bringing my ridge euro 120 and maybe a smaller 50" midhandle

About Me

  • About hatterasfreedvr
    Nags Head, NC
    Make/Model of Boat
    SUP and kayak


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-24-2021 06:00 AM
  • Join Date: 03-18-2008


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