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KeysKid KeysKid is offline

Keys Spearo

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13
  1. TheMackDaddy
    06-17-2013 05:52 PM
    hey my family has a house in marathon and I go there sometimes and don't have anybody to come diving with me so, hit me up with your number if you are interested in joining, might be going down this week. My number is 305 801 6222
  2. AaronC
    03-07-2013 02:57 PM
    stop sending me messages weirdo! hahaha
  3. Contender36
    11-11-2012 06:58 PM
    the picture of you with he wahoo is bad ass! Were coming for Xmass, have 36' contender. Staying in Marathon. I need to hire a local to show us how to fish the humps and spend a day on the water with us. Can you recomend anyone? also whats our best shop for refils on nitrox.
  4. KeysKid
    09-07-2012 11:10 PM
    Check out my Spearfishing Youtube videos! Like, Comment and Subscribe!

    To subscribe to see my HD Spearfishing Videos click here!
  5. Old Salt 757
    07-24-2010 02:34 PM
    Old Salt 757
    Saw your post and you looked like a good person to get some tips from,
    Coming down to Marathon Aug 12 and staying for a few night and was wanting to get out and shoot some fish and learn about keys. What is the best way for me to get on the water? Rent a boat? I have my own boats here in Virginia Beach but I'm not interested in trailing it all the way down and back! Is there some type of party boat that takes people out? I appreciate any tips i can get, really looking forward to getting down there and enjoying another coastal region.

  6. Bottomcrawler
    03-02-2010 06:27 PM
    Captains Meeting is Friday at 6pm at The Shack!
  7. Bottomcrawler
    01-05-2010 03:43 PM
    Send me your e-mail address. I need to send you info for the class.
  8. Bottomcrawler
    12-19-2009 11:13 AM
    January 9th. Cost $175 5 spaces still available. Tracy Sands is the instructor out of miami. Course is geared toward those who are currently diving but have not had formal training. Covers Safety, technique, Exercise, Diet and more. 8am-4pm (includes classroom, pool and open water)
    Avg breath hold at end of course-:03 If you already have that, expect a 10-15% increase. Ages 16 and under must have a parent or guardian enrolled. Under 18 just needs parental approval. it is first come first paid, first served.
    This is right up your alley Jeremy. Let me know, I have a space with your name on it.
    Pre-requisites - Low Volume Mask, Long Blade fins, 3mm wetsuit, weights and belt, J Snorkel
  9. Bottomcrawler
    12-08-2009 10:09 AM
    Will do Jeremy. This guy is targeting those who already do a lot of freediving, but have never taken the course. He has been teaching it for more than 2 years.
  10. Bottomcrawler
    07-17-2009 08:26 AM
    I have a 100HF2 and a 100 T-20 (Green Camo). Happy to make a great deal on either one for you! Let me know which one and I'll figure up a price for you.


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  • Last Activity: 09-20-2018 05:37 PM
  • Join Date: 06-25-2007


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