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Ryanfish Ryanfish is offline

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  1. HawaiiSeaNinja
    12-01-2010 06:58 PM
    Ryan. What area are u in. Looking for some good guys to dive with. Moved to Jensen Beach from Hawaii.
  2. freediver17
    11-09-2009 03:08 PM
    hey man, Im really sorry about the delay in getting back to you. I def would love to go out and yeah if your friend has a boat thats sweet. heres my number 401 662 6814 so just give me a call if your up to anything this weekend or thanksgiving break. also my schedual is free anytime. just let me know a few days ahead and i can work around school and stuff.
  3. freediver17
    10-15-2009 12:10 PM
    hey man,
    I was wondering if you wanted to go out maybe next weekend. You probably know some areas and if you have a car here i dont mind throwing in gas money. Id really like to get out soon though
  4. Moondogie
    09-05-2009 08:19 PM
    Our dive on Sunday got canceled due to crap visibility. The capt. said it was warm and good vis to 40ft, but then 2-3 on the bottom 20. I have no idea what that would translate to at your spots closer to shore, but I now have $30 in gas money that I won't be spending, so if you want to give it a trial run on your boat, just give me a call. (404) 610-7337.
  5. Lone Star Spearo
    06-25-2009 07:12 PM
    Lone Star Spearo
    I am asking 200 for th C4s and 75 for the ICE , they are both blades only, no pockets.


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  • Last Activity: 04-26-2022 04:59 AM
  • Join Date: 04-22-2008


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