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kev the sea dog kev the sea dog is offline

cold? wait you'll numb up

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 36
  1. kev the sea dog
    08-07-2012 09:06 PM
    kev the sea dog
    PM sent!
  2. nikko
    08-06-2012 11:02 AM
    yo kevin,
    I am planning on heading down south on friday for a doctors appt at 3:30 in LA. I am hoping to maybe squeeze a dive in before hand. I am thinking of a late morning dive. Its a long shot but if your interested let me know. My number is 513 373 5681. I would like to look for wsb or just hit a spot that looks good for reef fish and a cool dive.
  3. malibudiver
    07-06-2011 04:25 AM
    hey man i was just at my dad's boat in ventura.... the weather is great and the water is clear, we seriously need to get out to the islands man!!!!! let me know if you have a weekend open... aight peace man
  4. malibudiver
    02-08-2011 11:45 PM
    wow man... thats crazy!!! good thing you didnt get hurt.. aight so just hit me up wen you wanna go out.. and i hope you get ur car fixed peace
  5. malibudiver
    02-05-2011 01:44 PM
    hey yo wuts up for sunday? peace
  6. malibudiver
    01-23-2011 11:30 PM
    hey yo i just got my new 2011 liscence and the lobster thing.... i am really ready to go now!! i gave you a call the other day... so u got my number.. and Im free next saturday and or sunday ... hopefully the waves calm down a bit... they were 10 footers in Ventura this weekend... but hit me up if youre down
  7. malibudiver
    12-03-2010 10:16 PM
    yo... aight so my dad and i are free this sunday.. so are u down to dive for some bugs?
  8. malibudiver
    11-25-2010 04:40 PM
    just wanted to say happy turkey day. I was think, if your open on this sunday maybe we could get a dive in.? I was thinking maybe up by Santa Barbara. aight peace
  9. malibudiver
    11-20-2010 08:49 PM
    Hey about the dive i wanted to do on Sunday... my granpda just went to the hsopital yesterday, so my dad and i cant go out tom. Sorry about the cancellation. Hopefully we can dive sometime next weekend. I do have a phone, you can reach me at 1818 618 0367. peace man
  10. malibudiver
    11-18-2010 11:13 PM
    hey man... sorry i havent been able to message back. If you can get out Sunday is free for me... but if you cant no worries. and also i heard the weather isnt gunna be that great this weekend but let me know wuts up.... peace

About Me

  • About kev the sea dog
    I love freediving.
    Alhabmra, CA
    Longboard skating.
    Make/Model of Boat
    USS Bodyboard
  • Signature
    "You can learn from an ordanary bamboo leaf what ought to happen. It bends lower and lower under the weight of snow. Suddenly the snow slips to the ground without the leaf having stirred. Stay like that at the point of highest tension until the shot falls from you. So, indeed, it is: when the tension is fullfilled, the shot must fall, it must fall from the archer like snow from a bamboo leaf, before he even thinks." The Master


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-22-2017 10:33 AM
  • Join Date: 08-06-2007


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