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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. thebigdiver
    11-15-2012 08:45 PM
    Would like to go out sometime with you next time you are heading out hunting before the season ends. I moved my boat over to Lejeune after the divorce and will be dry docking her to change the engine. Work hasn't let me get wet much this year so hopefully can get a few days in before end of year. I dove with you and Capt.Randy a few times in 2010 and you guys always brought up the fish. Bernie
  2. Stab A. Slab
    04-08-2011 08:12 PM
    Stab A. Slab
    I'd like to go with you all sometime if you have an extra spot.
  3. Stab A. Slab
    04-07-2011 07:56 AM
    Stab A. Slab
    Joey, do you do any of your diving out of Morehead area or mostly south of here?
  4. makomaster
    11-12-2010 04:24 PM
    no that's the right number
  5. tightlines
    09-28-2010 09:29 PM
    You and Randy come down to FLA this winter. I will put up, bring your wives. We will dive in the day and see West Palm Beach at night.
  6. Don B
    03-27-2010 09:33 PM
    Don B
    Hangtime, I would love to bid, but for some reason my account on SP is ****ed up, and I cannot acess anyone to fix it, the SP has no means to contact anyone who runs the damn thing, everything is turned off. if you could pass this off to someone who gives a **** about the site, i will be the first to step up for a brother. My e-mail is dbarfield@coastalprocess.net
  7. U/C Spearo
    01-25-2010 04:12 PM
    U/C Spearo
    Randy, your California Meth Commander is coming to see you guys on August 4- 8. Hopefully the offer to take us out still stands. They'll be two of us, maybe a third if Travis comes along. Let me know what we need from us !!! Hopefully you can point us in the right direction. Still trying to work out the Wild Blue this year. Thanks

    Bob Pennal
  8. fishtales
    01-15-2010 12:31 PM
    I asked my girlfriend to send the gun, she had a death in her family yesterday and was busy arranging the funeral and taking care of the life insurance so she didn't get to send it until today. It was sent 5 day mail so you should see it then. Let me know if there was any damage during shipping because I got insurance on it. It's been good talking to you. I hope you stack em up with your new gun. Stay in touch on spearboard, let me know how you do.

  9. fishtales
    01-12-2010 12:24 PM
    Hey Joey,
    If you PM me your address I'll sent that gun out to you.

  10. PrincessSlaya!
    06-15-2009 08:24 PM
    know it! Thanks for the B-day wishes!

About Me

    Pine Ridge NC
    spearfishing,snowsking,spearfishing,Natural Light,spearfishing
    Own a small fence company
    Make/Model of Boat
    24.6 SeaHawk
    Home Port
    Sneads Ferry, NC
  • Signature
    If you're scared, stay on the hill!


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 09-25-2012 07:51 PM
  • Join Date: 10-26-2007


Showing Friends 1 to 7 of 7

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