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surf_dude surf_dude is offline

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  1. speargunking
    09-30-2023 12:44 PM
    where do you live.. im in plant city,, maybe we can meet somewhere and you can look at the wetsuits I have.. let me know. thanks..you can call me also.. Jay at 813-763-4780
  2. mainphrame
    01-22-2016 04:07 AM
    we have missed you. where you been, hiding under a rock?
  3. Rick Dawg
    09-25-2013 01:32 PM
    Rick Dawg
    If your down to ship that euro 90 to San Diego I'll buy it.
  4. ThumperFish
    12-06-2012 04:39 PM
    yeah it is. but i would prefer if you wouldn't list that it was for 100$
  5. carrasco
    09-16-2011 12:44 AM
    The weights on the fish from today were: 16lbs on Kevin's Sheephead and 6.5lbs on mine. We saw more than a handful of larger sheephead. The total take for the day was 12 Bass 4 lg Sargo and 6 sheephead.
    Kevin and I are going tomorrow on a strict halibut expedition. We will let you know how we did.
  6. carrasco
    09-12-2011 03:15 PM
    Kevin and I went out on Friday as planned and hit some new and very exciting spots. One of the spots we hit was loaded with large sand bass (very legal) and also large Sargo in very shallow water. We also spotted our first ,spiny lobster which was easily of legal size. My guess is that the area is loaded with bugs. And, because the area is protected from wind and waves, we can dive there after sunset (lets start looking for underwater flashlights). I visited the swap-meet this weekend and picked up a couple of lobster gauges, one for you and one for Kevin- I have one on the boat. I am brushing up on spiny lobster regs so that we are legal when we hit the spots. I can't wait- Halibut, Sand Bass, Scallops and Lobster, I am going to hell for gluttony.
  7. carrasco
    08-31-2011 02:39 PM
    Hey Josh,
    I am looking to revisit our wall again. Let me know what your schedule is like if you want to go.
  8. ssscotty
    02-28-2011 03:34 AM
    I saw you at the Legends event when you came up to get the reel you won. Actually my buddy, The Plumber, pointed you out by your nametag. We were sitting at a table right next to where they were calling out the numbers. Unfortunately I lost sight of you before I could introduce myself. Some other time! Congrats on the reel!
  9. ssscotty
    02-19-2011 09:27 PM
    Nice to see I'm not the only one on SB from the San Gabriel Valley, Temple City to be exact.
  10. Mikeyspear81
    08-19-2010 06:17 PM
    Hey man. I'm going out 2morrow 8/20 at big corona del mar at 9am if you want to go text me or call at 714-944-6777

About Me

  • About surf_dude
    I'm 26 years old, turned 18 on 9/11
    San Clemente
    trying to be a versatile waterman, and completely failing to achieve doing so
    Partime Youth Pastor & Math/Science Tutor
    Spearfishing Clubs
    Havent caught a fish club
    Make/Model of Boat
    96 Corolla named Ted
    Home Port
    my home port is Pizza Port :)


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-30-2023 01:49 PM
  • Join Date: 05-05-2010


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