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Togfogger Togfogger is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. DewTheDewDude
    03-10-2019 01:28 PM
  2. bmurtha
    01-24-2015 04:15 AM
    hello mr. fog I am waiting to hang with you. if you have any suggestions for fins or gear please come by and chill. B out
  3. MeTo
    12-06-2013 08:23 PM
    Togfrogger if you are interested in my Prowler 15 I can add a paddle and life jacket along with a sonar.
  4. eyespear
    12-03-2013 11:57 AM

    My name is Chris, I live in Narragansett. I am moving in two weeks and may be willing to sell my kayak. I have done quite a bit of diving out of it. It is a perception caster 12.5 foot. Its a little small, but i have hit many local spots and loaded it with fish. let me know if your interested and I can give you my contact.
  5. bmurtha
  6. Togfogger
    03-05-2012 10:25 PM
    We're diving regardless Bob
  7. bmurtha
    03-05-2012 11:44 AM
    We could go diving for strippers if your interested?? in April maybe a little early. flounder???
  8. kingspear2000
    12-14-2011 05:40 PM
    Yea i have a small group of friends from nk i dive with also and were always lookin for more people to go with. We dive gansett alot also. Whats your name? Mines matt king

About Me

  • About Togfogger
    Riffe Comp 2- Salvimar Voodoo Open Rail Pro 105
    North Kingstown
  • Signature
    B. Fogg- Foggin' Tog since '09


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 04-26-2021 04:56 PM
  • Join Date: 11-27-2011


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