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WOODY LB WOODY LB is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. SeaWolf83
    04-05-2015 12:22 PM
    Never saw the wall post. PM me your number and we'll get down. Kevin told me you guys had a solid day yesterday.
  2. Scuba Fever
    09-28-2014 09:36 AM
    Scuba Fever
    No, Palos Verdes
  3. Kapono
    04-21-2014 03:05 PM
    Hows it going? I met you the other day diving in Palos Verdes, my name is Kapono.
    I'm the guy that you were talking about the Rob Allen 1400 Tuna railgun. I remember you saying something about you having a RA 120cm with reel that you might be willing to trade... if so shoot me a message and maybe we could work something out. I'm always up for going diving if you're ever in need of a partner sometime. Mahalo...
  4. Smokejumper137
    11-04-2013 10:17 AM
    Hey there woodlb!
    This is Steve I met you at the Mobil gas station in long beach the other day. I was interested in asking you what I can do to get my feet wet in spear fishing. I noticed you said that Mexico would be pretty burly if I had no experience and went with a company. So I am going to be in Baja to surf in about 2 weeks could I get lucky fishing with a pole spear for some smaller fish down there? I plan to buy a pole spear good pair of mask and goggles and spear fishing fins by cressi. Anything else you could suggest. Thanks in advance for the advice! Hope the lobster fishing went well.
  5. scottyboy679
    08-06-2013 12:26 AM
    Im down for it on thursday morning then. Would you want me to meet you at the launch ramp at Davies Bridge?
  6. Bwano
    06-28-2013 10:44 AM
    Thanks, Woody.
    I have a week off from July 1 to 8. No days off till then
    John Firebaugh 510-220-1356 bwanojohnny@sbcglobal.net
    Dirty Girl on Bloody Decks, "check out my boat"
    I have a 17 ft RIB, w a 50 hp Honda, that I am using until my Skippy is done.
    04-24-2013 03:06 PM
    I have a 14 foot zodiac typ wood floor boat looking to trade or sell let me know call me 562 277 7254
    09-20-2012 03:16 PM
    I'm looking to trade or sell . I have a velodrome track bicycles vintage from the late 70's early 80's. I was a bike messenger that's what this type of bicycle is normally used for ... a lot of the kids call them fixies. I'm looking to trade this bike foror a mid handed spear gun 55 . Or 60 .. this bicycle is on a video.called..last minutes with oden .vimeo 562 277 7254

About Me

  • About WOODY LB
    long beach ca
    spearfishing .spearfishing


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  • Last Activity: 04-23-2017 08:14 PM
  • Join Date: 12-09-2011


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